Tuesday 26 February 2013

My plan for portraying the feedback from the target audience

After showing our media class our draft, we received numerous appraisals, criticisms and methods of improvement. From these we hope to increase the quality of our opening scene. My plan for presenting this information will be by video. I will use a copy of the opening scene and commentate on the several areas of improvement. For example, when this scene of Glen entering the house is present on the video, i will say on the commentary "our target audience said that this use of non-diegetic text was a contrast to our other shots where the text was diegetic".

Our first draft of our opening

Here is a link to our first draft of our opening scene
It now has a finalised title of "Live and Let Spy"


Tuesday 12 February 2013

New Cloud Title Shot

After a well needed discussion we have finally decided which names are going where in the opening. This is the new photo to be used for the cloud shot.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Music for the spy area of the film

Earlier in the process we discovered that we didn't have any music that fitted the spy area of the film. Now I have found a piece of music that fits. It is also from audionautix like the first piece of music and has a more rock/guitar feel to it.

It can be found at http://www.audionautix.com/html/rock_pop_blues.html and is called "Purple Rider."

New logo possibilities

After showing our logo possibilities to our target audience we were told that the barn door was the best option. However the font didn't match the logo and it was presented in a way that made it hard to read. Taking this into account i created some new options but with the corrections that were needed.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Text for director of sound

For our entire film we are trying to incorporate all the names into the scene. Here is the one for director of sound. This effect is used in several films like Napoleon Dynamite. The terminology of this effect is called diegetic text. This particular shot is created by a piece of software called "Photoshop". 

Background photos for cloud shot

These shots are the shots which we will use for the cloud shot where we write "Director of Sound Jacob Simpson" 

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Company Logo

These are three trials for our logo

I personally prefer the last one however the group will decide

Monday 4 February 2013


This is the title for the producer and how it fits in the film

Title of the film

After consulting sir, he informed me that having a first name for the title of the film was a typically american humor thing to do. Since our movie could be classed under British comedy we had to change the name. Then sir came up with the idea of replacing the title of a spy film with the name of the character "Glen". My personal favorite was "Tinker, tailor, solder, Glen". However the title is still in debate.

How the Shootings going

Wednesday 30th- On this day we tried to film all shots that occurred at Adam's house. However, due to a laptop not working, we did not get chance to film all off the shots. We ended up with missing out the moment where Glen gets the message that leads to him becoming a spy. This will have to be filmed on Wednesday 6th of February.

Thursday 31st- On this day we filmed all scenes in school. This was done in our media lesson. We used a member of our class (Liberty Shaw) for the girl that Glen watches down a corridor. This shot itself took several takes as we could not do the shot without it looking fake.